About Me

Little York, NY

Thank you for viewing my blog!!!

So many times I wonder why people say they can't paint.  Trust me, if I can paint, anybody can.

I resist the label of "artist."  Artist seems to carry this stuffy, pretentious persona along with it.  So not me.  I paint, because I love my subjects and wish to recreate them.  It's pretty much that simple.  
I've always liked to paint.  For whatever reason it felt good and gave me a creative outlet.  When you really hit what you're going for, there isn't a better feeling in the world. 

I decided to start sharing/selling my paintings at the urging of family and friends.   Selling isn't really my reason for painting.  I won't lie the money comes in handy.  However, I honestly don't care much about the money.  Really all I do is buy more and better paints & painting stuff.  Because in painting like in fishing(which I love), the more money you spend on equipment, the better you are.  Huh?!  Right!?! (eyes rolling)

So please enjoy what I post.  If you wish to contact me about a painting, have a suggestion, or just wanna chat, please email me!  My email is steelheadermax@gmail.com

                                   Max  :)